• 27 April 2024

Menstruation in the cat

 Menstruation in the cat

Estrus in cats is the time when ovulation occurs, and thus the cat can become pregnant. Unfortunately, estrus is also a difficult time for cat owners. Having a female or a breeding female, or a non-neutered female, we must accept different behavior of females. What does estrus look like in cats? How is estrus going on in a cat? What are the stages of oestrus in a cat? In today’s article I will try to write everything about estrus in cats. I invite you to read.

Heat in a cat – what is it?

Every creature strives to have offspring. This is to pass on genes and the survival of the species. Estrus in cats is the cycle in which a female cat is ready to become pregnant. The stages of oestrus in cats are divided into several phases:

  • the pre-heat phase,
  • the heat phase,
  • the inter-heat period,
  • no activity.

In the first pre-heat phase, otherwise known as proestrus, the female changes her behavior and makes characteristic noises. This is a very difficult time for the caregiver. This is how the cat calls the males. In addition, the pet in this phase can characteristically rub, roll on the floor, and mark the area with urine with pheromones. All the mentioned symptoms are designed to attract the tomcat. The duration of this phase is about 3 days.

The next phase is the estrus phase, or estrus proper. At this stage, the female cat is ready to mate. In addition, ovulation occurs at this time. In addition, the female characteristic arches her body and tilts her tail. The duration is from 1 to even 21 days. In most cases, it lasts a week. Interestingly, ovulation in cats usually occurs through provoked ovulation. In other words, it needs enough contact and mating with the male to ovulate, or ovulate. The best time to admit a male to a female is the period between the 2nd and 5th day of the estrus phase.

The next phase is the inter-heat phase, otherwise known as the diestrus phase or the luteal phase. During this phase, there is an increase in progesterone levels in the cat’s blood. After conception, progesterone is tasked with maintaining the pregnancy and maintains high levels in the blood until the last days of pregnancy. When the cat has not been fertilized, then a pseudo-pregnancy cycle occurs, and the concentration of progesterone in the blood remains for about 35 days, after which it decreases. After this time, the pre-heat phase begins again and the cycle repeats.

The phase of inactivity, otherwise known as the anoestrus phase, is the time when the female is not sexually active, i.e. there are no phases from pre-heat to intertubal phase. This period is from October to March. Cats are polyester animals, i.e. estrus and the copulation period falls seasonally.

How to prevent estrus in cats

Estrus in cats is a very troublesome period for carers. At the veterinarian, we can get appropriate hormonal tablets that will inhibit the reproductive cycle in the cat, and thus the occurrence of characteristic symptoms. However, there are better, safer and healthier methods.

If we have a cat that we do not intend to breed, the best solution is to castrate the cat. Cat castration is a quick procedure that aims to surgically remove the female reproductive organs. It is non-invasive and makes life easier for the cat and all household members.

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